Sunday, June 21, 2009


The meeting space I designed using gold and silver textures, as well as marble in some of the elevators and dining table, my reason for this was to give the environment a wealthy texture, because after all it is intended for two very powerful and wealthy clients. The entrances to the meeting place from the elevators are also significant, with Madonna's elevator rising through the ground surface like performer, creating a higher sense of surprise which Madonna is well known for, and then I designed Obama's entrance in a way that he can all ways keep an eye on the meeting place when he's approaching, giving the sense that he is powerful man keeping a watchful eye over everything, and thus looking after his people. The dining table has been placed in the center, in a wide open space, and in stark contrast to the gold floor to emphasize the main focus of the meeting room, where the two powerful figures will go to congregate.

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